Father Daughter Dance 2019
May 28, 2019
The Miccosukee Nation proudly held our annual Father Daughter Dance at the Bonaventure Resort this past Sunday and it was a success. The Daughters outshined the Dads of course, and everyone enjoyed themselves. There is no better way to end a successful school year welcome the summer break than a bonding experience with your daughter(s).
Madison kindly braided my beard, and Morgan hand picked the bows. One braid per Daughter seems fair. They spent all afternoon getting ready for the big night. It’s 5:00 and do not want to be late for the Dance. Thank you girls for being ready to leave on time.

Bonaventure is not too far from home, but the drive seemed quicker than usual. The early arrivals have Silent Auction items that we help bring inside. The decorations are great, and we grab a quick photo Under the Stars.
The music is playing and we are dancing. Chief Pork Butt can be seen in his natural habitat, on the dance floor.

Chief Good Spirits is new to the Seminole Tribe, and his Princesses love our organization. It’s great to see new faces.

I asked my girls about the food, and they both loved the selection of pasta, salad, chicken, fries, and dinner rolls. I think dessert was their favorite. They love cookies.
The best part of the night for us is when the Dads give roses to their daughters and slow dance. It’s not often when we take the time to be present and appreciate how special this time with our family truly is. They are only young once.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the silent auction and to those who bid. This year is a success and Circle F will be here before we know it. Have a great summer.
Steven Kopf
Chief Fat Daddy
Madison- Princess Animal
Morgan- Princess Ice Coffee